Today’s post is really a two for one. I’m talking about my California Bucket List and sharing some fun and cozy clothing & accessories. I was getting my daily cup of coffee before work one morning when I saw this California-themed mug in Starbucks…and of course, I had to have it (being a new Californian). Justin and I have been talking about traveling more this year and making the most of our time here in northern California. So I thought I’d share our destination bucket list with you to keep us accountable. Now, will we complete the entire list in 2017? Probably not. But hey, we will do our best! Now that we have Companion Pass on Southwest for our flights, it makes it easier to take quick weekend trips. You’ll find our list below + one extra!
1. Tahoe in the winter & summer. Okay, okay. We should have done this eighteen times already, but we just haven’t. We are homebodies by nature and find ourselves comfortable and not doing much on the weekends. Plus, I’m usually working Saturday and some of Sunday which makes travel hard. So, we’d like to make it up to Tahoe in the next couple weeks so Justin can snowboard (I will be taking lessons haha) and then we’d like to go back when it’s nice and warm in the summer.

2. Disneyland.  I mean…do I need to explain myself here?

3. Los Angeles. I’ve been to Los Angeles once before when I was in high school but didn’t get to do much sightseeing. I’m pretty sure Justin has never been, so it’s one of those cities we’ve got to see while we live fairly close (with traffic it’s decently far – we will most likely fly).

4. Harry Potter World. Justin is a hugeeee Harry Potter fan and I love the movies so we really want to visit Harry Potter World. I’m in the process of reading all the books so I can actually say I’m a fan. I feel like a “fake fan” right now since I’ve only seen the cinema versions. 

5. Pacific Coast Highway to Monterey Bay. Lots of facts about Justin today. He’s a mechanical engineer and loves to race his track car that he basically built himself (not Nascar…think European racing) so we want to make it down to Monterey Bay where they have a really nice track. We want to take the scenic route down the Pacific Coast Highway to take in the gorgeous weather and scenery. 

6. The City for a Giants Game. We’ve been to the San Fransisco several times, but never to a Giants game so that’s a definite this coming season. I’d like to take the ferry down, see a game, and then spend the night in a nice hotel!

7. San Diego. I threw this destination out to Justin because neither of us had thought of it previously, but we both agreed we’d like to make a trip. San Diego is more of the “California” folks on the east coast think about. Super sunny, (usually) void of rain, palm trees, the Pacific coast…the whole nine yards. 

8. Yosemite. One of the coolest things about California is all of the drastically different places you can go within driving distance. North to snow, south to sun, west to water. Yosemite is in the Sierra Nevada mountains and has amazing views and pretty places to say. 

9. Muir Woods & Bodega Bay. Muir woods is very close to San Fransisco and we could probably visit when we go down for a Giants game. It’s a national monument that is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Bodega Bay, also nearby, is in Sonoma County and has lots of activities and things to do, many involving the outdoors. Beaches, hiking, horseback riding, etc. Justin suggested this one so I’m guessing there might be a track nearby…hmmm…

10. Hawaii. I realize this is not in California haha. But Justin and I have always said we’d like to go to Hawaii while we are in California because the flights are so much cheaper. No idea if we will be able to fit it in, but we’ve been talking about taking an all-inclusive, relaxing vacation together. Luckily, one of our friends is getting married in Costa Rica and another in Newport Beach this year so that will take care of part of our urge to visit a tropical destination. 

If you’ve traveled to any or all of these places before I’d love to hear your recommendations and reviews! Part of my 2017 Resolutions was to travel and shed some of my homebody ways so I’m going to do my best to make it happen – as long as the funds are available lol!
XO Amanda