urban outfitters rust courtney cardigan

T-minus 19 days until Christmas! 

I’ve been holding on to these pictures for quite some time now and can’t believe I’ve yet to share. Due to all of the cyber week and holiday hustle and bustle, I almost totally forgot! Which would have been such a shame because this is one of my favorite !function(d,s,id)%7Bvar%20e,%20p%20=%20/%5Ehttp:/.test(d.location)%20?%20%27http%27%20:%20%27https%27;if(!d.getElementById(id))%20{e%20=%20d.createElement(s);e.id%20=%20id;e.src%20=%20p%20+%20%27://%27%20+%20%27widgets.rewardstyle.com%27%20+%20%27/js/shopthepost.js%27;d.body.appendChild(e);}if(typeof%20window.__stp%20===%20%27object%27)%20if(d.readyState%20===%20%27complete%27)%20{window.__stp.init();}}(document,%20%27script%27,%20%27shopthepost-script%27);%3C/script%3E%3Cdiv%20class=%22rs-adblock%22%3E%3Cimg%20src=%22//assets.rewardstyle.com/production/01c7af7e3d197cea2d58b71313e1a97ff63b87c1/images/search/350.gif%22%20onerror=%22this.parentNode.innerHTML=%27Disable%20your%20ad%20blocking%20software%20to%20view%20this%20content.%27%22%20style=%22width:%2015px;%20height:%2015px;%22%20/%3E%3Cnoscript%3EJavaScript%20is%20currently%20disabled%20in%20this%20browser.%20Reactivate%20it%20to%20view%20this%20content.%3C/noscript%3E%3C/div%3E%3C/div%3E”>cardigans of all time. It comes in eight colors and is currently ON SALE for $34! So naturally, I bought two (also in black, both xs). 

urban outfitters rust courtney cardigan
urban outfitters rust courtney cardigan

urban outfitters rust courtney cardigan
urban outfitters rust courtney cardigan

target girls cat & jack lida lace-up fashion boots
PHOTOGRAPHY: Cricket Maiden Photography

You’re probably wondering about the super cute pink lace-up boots. One of my gal pals shared them on Instagram stories not too long ago and I immediately ordered them. The funny thing? They are actually girls’ boots, not womens. I had no idea you could convert your size to kids – but you can! I’m normally a 7 in a women’s shoe, and in girls, I’m a 5. I just Googled the sizing chart.

I’ve posted both of my posts this week at night, which is in no way indicative of a new schedule. Friday’s post should be up bright & early per usual. This week is a busy one preparing for a fun vacation this weekend ( and into next week). I also have several campaigns I’ll be taking photos for in the morning and even have try-ons and brand photos coming up while we are away.

Stay tuned for lots of fun content!

XO Amanda